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tv   [untitled]    November 17, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EST

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hamas says israeli rockets have destroyed its headquarters in gaza on the fourth day of deadly strikes as israel closes off roads around the strip. the syrian rebels are backed by overwhelming support the u.k. considers lifting an e.u. arms embargo but france and turkey recognize the opposition group as the legitimate government. and britain's buying some unscathed by the financial crisis while the public is left to pick up the tab. of the sixty six billion pounds.
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it is good to have you with us here on our team today. live from the russian capital israel is stepping up its assault on gaza with nearly two hundred s. strikes early on saturday but the headquarters of hamas among the targets hit overnight now unconfirmed reports say israel has begun artillery shelling into gaza that softer has been massing troops and heavy artillery right on the border let's get more on this now. we are standing by in tel aviv paul or are there any signs right now the ground offensive is actually happening or certainly poised to happen any moment we said no obvious even the signs of the planes that is what used to happen as you say unconfirmed reports that the idea has been going to be sending into wasn't until also well several days now the idea has been moving both tanks and armored this new into position at the same time they have closed all the roads around gaza declaring it a closed military zone and this is just another indication that a ground offensive could be in. and we're also hearing from israeli officials who
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have spoken on the record to foreign diplomats and they have said that the idea is giving cheap expand its operation earlier the cooling topple some seventy five thousand reservists to buy just a nice troops have been gathering and on the border again the feeling is that this is a hand on a ground offensive the israeli defense force chief has also ordered for the army to increase its base of its ranks and this comes off to massive airstrikes earlier on saturday morning now these air strikes did completely destroy the forces of the home less government building this is a building that just yesterday for a week egyptian prime minister visited during that visit they was supposed to be a now a cease fire that that was an educator broken city we are hearing from hamas and that at least two people who hold by israeli airstrikes during the very time that the cease fire was supposed to have theme in each state and must has issued a statement saying that it will stand alongside its people we need to mean that
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when we talk about hamas we're talking here about any mic to government that was chosen back in two thousand and six in effect lying the international community failed the gazans for going to the polls in a democratic nation to make the new leadership so i'm not talking about is flights that are targeting a rebel group for instance we're talking about is tribes that are targeting the magician that he made to voice the people of gaza as you say over the past four days that it's ready officials that have been hailing the operation as a so to cool the precise saying it's only targeting military sides and begs the question how does it explain of a growing number of civilian casualties also be the placed in in terms of the ever growing number of civilians as a place to the idea is hard place to unset the feelings that we have at the moment some thirty four people who have been killed since the last wednesday the majority of them up in the stimulus and many of them are in fact civilians particularly children the spokes person. all the netanyahu government try to answer the question
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as to why so many civilians are being killed my idea is frankly despite the fact that he did want to see if they were not the target his statement has the perceived by a lot of cynicism and these really government will do everything needed targeting terrorists only to earth to stop the firing of rockets from israeli cities don't be israeli schools israeli children and if we will need some ground operation we definitely will consider so there are no children been heard by idea if only terrorists heard in only terrorists are targeted i want to see that we have only one goal israel has to defend its citizens. now one of these israeli air strikes a good target the home of a home that's needed in the jabalya refugee camp in gaza this is one of the most densely populated where many of the people on young children now we're hearing
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reports that some forty people have been injured in this way fiji can't be known and that some of them are children and some of them are pretty coarse and certainly the idea of financial questions to answer in terms of the high civilian count what i mean paula a moment ago you said that the i.d.f. chief has reportedly ordered the army to increase the pace of strikes on gaza this also comes as israel ultimately says it has already eliminated ninety percent of hamas as military capabilities so i will check in with you later in the day outings policy that live in time of year thank you. now at least thirty nine palestinians civilians women and children among them have been killed since israel launched its assault on gaza on wednesday ality staying in contact with activist and documentary filmmaker harry fear who is currently working inside gaza he says much of its population is very young and that most people there are heavily reliant on the support of aid agencies i've been to several sites to stream struck by israeli air
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strikes frankly being out and about in the gaza strip is the most dangerous thing to do this is our you know our massacre according to guards and stuff which most of the gazan population are to be aged eighteen seventy five percent youth unemployment sixty percent unemployment. and most people in gaza refugee status and most people over sixty percent from iran and agencies are going to towns just they do not start today so that is what the situation is like normally today in these days or in the war in gaza is being bond with drones with f. sixteen s with helicopters with names on it and so you can just imagine it's not going any better out of sr resistance groups have been wounded by a majority of gazans for the strong resistance in our having israeli forces and so it's nothing in the malls to stand in narrative point of view that actually got us
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into who that was is how or what seemed to be very rightly an eminent grounds by its very defense forces and as palestinians are continuing to ask world leaders to help put a stop to the assault the u.s. remains firm in its backing of israel president obama spoke to israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu on friday to reiterate his support. the editor of a news junkie post says the consequences of further escalation in the conflict are not being properly addressed. is well as the. it's just. not working. i personally think that usually betting someone approach on the ocean which would normally be. all they are doing something very very stupid because if there's one thing that you need the muslim world and we've been seeing not only in mostly contrary but
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actually all over the world including in the us is there not. something that is not girly well thought out because what could very easily happen is not. on israel coming from a leader not also some own or as in joy of the one where you have about two million but is not as aware as there are some movement of the egyptian army that is very substantial so israel is basically applying was fire let's go back to these are live pictures for you here on our live pictures from central gaza there that is not the border of gaza between gars or in israel that we are streaming them they were nonstop at r.t. dot com it looks like a fairly quiet and peaceful day in central gaza it's approximately one zero eight pm there we know the israeli defense forces chief has reportedly ordered the army
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to increase the pace of strikes on gaza and the meantime russia egypt and jordan have all voiced concern over the use of disproportionate force on the palestinians and now we're hearing the u.s. has deployed a navy carrier off the israeli coast just in case americans are forced to evacuate and we are constantly keeping updated on our twitter feed on air and online at our to talk. it's good to have you with us here on our team today britain is considering following france and turkey and recognizing the new syrian opposition group aiming to oust president assad we hear from one of our shortly who says western attempts to support the rebels will only take the war torn country deeper into its. cross with the power elderly people in france can't even afford to buy their food with
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their pensions that's coming your way after a short break. looking at some drugs you simply do not believe may come speak and goodness how they can wrong oh. it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as a strand in canada and the us they come to russia and everybody is so very friendly they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like a laska and so i felt at home the first sled dog was brought here from australia now it's trios come to this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not surprising they love it this trail are amazing but even more amazing is the story of how racing first started here atoll it wasn't the top of sled
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grazing who set the trail ablaze but a nun and for all friends who brought their dia to life. five years ago about built a dog kennel in the village kids from the local open age came around to take care of the dogs and one day they state their life might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed to the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training their full legged friends but smother her schedule also encourages her kids to become depth hands on the computer and internet the boys who regularly update their website and they're in touch with that busy maga twenty four seven on the phone itself. but children are the most important thing my own interests not play any rule any more and regardless of whether parsky has hoskins window race or not she hopes the composition will take place in the village next
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year. but called these dogs and the children it really is not the weaning but actually just the taking part that counts.
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mission. critical three times for charger green. green. green. tide green. we brought in your for your media project free media john darche dot com. live from moscow disses are with me wrong. for the syrian rebels are gaining momentum as the national coalition continues touring western nations on lobbying for support of the leader of the opposition has named an ambassador to france during his visit to the country but the president welcoming the move it comes four days after france officially recognized the alliance talks in paris focused on the protection of rebel controlled areas aid to refugees and the constitution of a provisional government coalition leaders had earlier paid a visit to the u.k.
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with london strongly considering officially recognizing the movement along with the possibility of supplying weapons to the rebels middle east commentator and blogger culture shero believes however that the opposition movement is in a state of disarray with no united voice to speak truly for the syrian people. in syria of course the process has been much slower and the wave of defection that we saw in libya didn't exactly happen in syria and what's happening now in specifically in syria is that people there are kind of presenting the syrian uprising are not the people who are on the ground so we started hearing for example support from different rebel groups aren't mirabelle groups for the new opposition leadership but who knows the extent of or whether they would be able to exercise political control so what you really have to look at that there is a strong divide between leadership that is outside the country and doesn't have control on the ground and forces on the ground pretty much doing whatever they want
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after all we've ended with two separate opposition bodies because this syrian national guard still exists alongside their national. coalition the new national coalition so it's a recipe for more division and kind of lack of a coherence for moving the country forward a lot to be found on our website right now at r.t. dot com for example a look at the dark side of sanctions a teenage boy in iran dies due to a shortage of medicine caused by the strict goes against the islamic republic. also online for you is the pride of britain drowning a report says the u.s. nuclear powered submarine fleet which only cost about ten billion pounds is rusty unreliable and just too slow. british taxpayers who helped bail out two of the country's biggest banks at the height of the financial crisis may never see the money again
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a group of influential m.p.'s have warned that the sixty six billion pounds the government paid to rescue r.b.s. and lloyds t.s.b. may be lost for good or to use or a further breaks down the numbers. this is all focused around the public accounts committee investigation into the sale of northern rock that was the bank that if you close your mind a couple of years back was one of the first to get big banking bailout is estimated that for northern rock for taxpayers a set of these around two hundred billion but that's not the worst of it because r.v.'s and lloyds bank also had a lot of typo's money funded into those bailouts and the taxpayers could be set to release a staggering sixty six billion pounds on that is very very hard to wrap your head around those figures so we're going to try and compare it really the amount that was put into those bailouts to what we have in the moment spending on social
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welfare such as pensions education health care and defense these figures coming at a time when everyone here is struggling in a daily we're talking to people who are really struggling to survive in the country in the midst of this very very tough economic times and you kind of got this it was a good report very hard hitting report telling us that there was a monumental collective failure that the treasury was unable to respond because they lack the right skills and understanding so it really sucks a little bit of the billion sorry guys we've lost that sixty six billion you know we weren't quite up to the job one of the great the warning at the very beginning with the taxpayers in line and doing now by a campaign manager robert oxley thank you for joining us today these types of stories always make me so angry because you know every day we're covering stories where people are struggling with a living wage in the a chance to pensions the tax is a rising all the time and then you have this report showing that you know sixty six
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billion could be lost i mean it's just chiefly responsible with taxpayers' money well this report is a. politician to spoil their woolly words. that we were going to make money out of the banks and that propping up the banks would be you know it would be ok and there was a chorus of people from both sides the political divide saying you know we need to bail out the barracks were ultimately what's happened is we've lost billions of pounds and we've basically allowed politicians to gamble other people's money and lo and behold those politicians have got very good result as is always the case when politicians are spending other people's money it's incredible how often those in power manage to get every major crisis wrong and i think we're seeing that moment in a rejection of the way that our politics at westminster is out of touch to the point here is it was the writing was on the wall whether any lessons will actually be learned of course remains to be seen but taxpayers they think they absolutely whopping losses at the moment leaves a lot of people saying you know we saved the banks he's going to save us. into
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b.r.t. world out there we go starting with the story there have been scuffles in jordan between supporters of the king and demonstrators thousands of people have been pouring onto the streets since tuesday to protest the country lifting its fuel subsidies that move raised of domestic gas prices by more than fifty percent with other fuel costs going up by about a third one person has been killed around seventy five injured so far during four days of one. of the seven children who are being killed after a train collided with a nursery school bus south of the egyptian capital these are the latest pictures you're seeing right here of one local doctor said that many of the victims were aged between four and six the transport minister has resigned following the crash which happened about four hundred kilometers from cairo there are some reports the railroad crossing closed. security is on high alert in thailand
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following a terror attack ahead of a planned visit by barack obama on sunday one person killed many injured when a motorcycle bomb exploded in the south of the country setting five buildings on fire obama is to begin a three nation tour of southeast asia hoping to boost u.s. influence in a region where china is becoming increasingly assertive. the lower house of the u.s. congress has approved travel and finance restrictions against russian officials suspected of human rights violations it's the so-called magnitsky bill after russian lawyer so to give magnitsky who died in police custody three years ago after being held for alleged tax evasion russia has called the move a provocation and has promised to retaliate meanwhile lawmakers in washington have voted to lift soviet era trade restrictions with moscow. when the financial crisis struck europe even one of its biggest economies that of france came under huge pressure but the country still suffering hard times we look at how pensioners
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are among the worst affected with many struggling to even put food on the table. reports. when you look at the elderly people in france you'd never think they could be in trouble there has been a common belief that france is one of the best countries in the world for pensioners and that they are very well cared for by the state but with the financial crisis raging across the european union and france being no exception to that more and more of the retired are finding it harder to make ends meet pierre worked as an engineer for over four decades having retired he says he sometimes cannot afford to buy food with you spend. six. months a week to live in paris. six and. for a lot of trouble because all. most people say you have to or. you have to do all sixty years or how can you survive in circumstances like
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pierre's is unclear but hundreds of thousands of pensioners across the country are in the same boat say the chairman of a large charity which is trying to help. the number of seniors turning to us for help has increased considerably in or regions of prince it used to be in the north but now all regions are affected young people and children used to help the all but now with the crisis hitting the young seniors upon themselves isolated with no help . but no these struggling people are in for another blow starting next year the pensions of over ten million french will be taxed says the minister for the elderly this will amount to zero point fifteen percent of monthly payments and the new government believes this will generate three hundred fifty million euros annually for the social security fund but economists believe it's pointless where the government trying to do now is reach by all means there's
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a three percent deficit threshold that was promised to brussels and there you know trying to find like every single penny it's the easy way is obviously countries don't have a say or do arm to the pensioners and to their spending power will be just really bad for consumption in france it was the perfect solution for reinvigorating french growth and beer agrees because in his case every cent counts it may be less than one percent of his pension deducted each month but it still threatens to take food from his mouth alexy rush of ski r.t. reporting from paris in france. just a moment on martin breaking the set. you
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know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm to are welcome to the big picture. wealthy british style. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's culture no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report on our. browser. sits in manning day care my daddy. does a famous phrase benson claim is oh my save. my money ransom business.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donut. concludes the longest and while this campaign in our history covers the left well let me change the format equating before our eyes that some of the rest of. the twists and turns in the hallmarks of this campaign like the one which we're about to do because you've never seen anything like this until. it. was up guys i mean martin this is breaking the set bad news for all you bard loving that doomsday preppers out there looks like you're not the crossbows the light bulb
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twinkies off your list because today it was announced that after a massive employees strike hostess incorporated is going out of business hosts is also the manufacturer of other cream filled sponge cakes like ring dings ding dongs ho hos and how can we forget those delicious cupcakes. are the. right that creamy mysterious filling you know the staple that unifies almost every hostess product like i used to love those little hostess cupcakes too but i don't turn off when i found out what that tasted goo was made out of first starters one ingredient is calcium sulphate which is pretty much a food grade equivalent of plaster still wondering why hostess products don't ever really expire and don't be fooled it's not manmade critz not nope made cream it's
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animal shortening aka lard yeah so about one package of twinkies. you're not only ingesting disgusting chemicals and large you're also consuming three hundred calories of pure garbage ten grams of fat half of which are saturated and we wonder why americans are so obese well good riddance hostess frankly it's a good thing that your products won't be available for human consumption the only real tragedy here is the nineteen thousand jobs that will be lost so i guess it's the hostess without the most is time to find something else to indulge and let's break the set. as you know this week gaza has been rocked by air raids from the israeli military yesterday we covered this is stork struggle for self-determination what many people may not realize is how brutal israel's blockade really is and what it means for one point five million gazans who live there it's one of the densest areas in the.


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